We provide tools and information to support you in managing your emotions
Emotional regulation is a vital skill for managing how we respond to challenging emotions. After Step 1, which focuses on releasing emotions (like through deep breathing or physical movement), Step 2 involves problem-solving or reflection. This step helps you process the emotion and find ways to manage or address the situation. In this phase, you might use tools like journaling, asking yourself helpful questions (e.g., "What do I need right now?" or "What can I learn from this experience?"), or practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness can help you observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment, allowing you to make clearer decisions or gain a deeper understanding of the situation. By using these tools, you can create space for reflection, so you're able to approach your emotions with greater calm and clarity, helping you feel more in control and better able to respond in a thoughtful way.
The emotion wheel is a helpful tool for identifying and understanding your feelings. Often, we experience emotions without fully recognising or naming them, which can leave us feeling stuck or overwhelmed. The emotion wheel organises feelings into core emotions like joy, sadness, anger, and fear, and then expands on these to show a broader range of related emotions. This can help you pinpoint exactly what you’re feeling, even if it’s a mix of emotions. By naming your feelings, you gain clarity, which is the first step to managing them effectively. It also helps you communicate your emotions to others, strengthening your relationships and self-awareness.
Take a moment to check in with your emotions today.
Step 1 - Stop what you are doing and notice your current emotion from the wheel above.
Step 2 - After identifying your feeling, journal by completing the sentence "I am feeling..." followed by a mind dump of your thoughts.
This simple exercise can enhance self-awareness and emotional clarity. Dive into your emotions and embrace the insights they offer. Start exploring today!
Sarah has been dating Alex for a few months and is starting to notice that small disagreements, like Alex forgetting to text back or canceling plans last minute, leave her feeling unusually angry. These outbursts catch Sarah off guard, and she worries that her reactions might push Alex away.
Using the Emotional Wheel:
Step 1: Identifying the Primary Emotion
Sarah acknowledges that anger is the emotion she feels most strongly in these moments. Using the emotional wheel, she identifies anger as her primary emotion but realises there could be other feelings underneath it.
Step 2: Exploring Secondary Emotions
Looking at the emotional wheel, Sarah notices that anger can be linked to feelings like frustration, insecurity, and hurt. She reflects on her recent arguments with Alex and recognises that her anger often comes from feeling unimportant or uncertain about where she stands in the relationship.
Step 3: Delving Deeper
Sarah digs deeper and connects these feelings to past dating experiences where she felt overlooked or taken for granted. She realises that her strong reactions to Alex’s behaviour might not just be about the present situation but also about her fear of repeating old patterns.
Step 4: Reflecting on Coping Strategies
Sarah evaluates how she typically deals with these emotions. She admits that she often lashes out with comments like, "You never care about my time," or withdraws completely, leaving Alex confused. She decides to experiment with healthier strategies, such as pausing to reflect on her feelings before reacting and sharing her emotions more openly with Alex, e.g., "When you cancel plans, I feel hurt because I was looking forward to spending time together."
Step 5: Integrating Insights into Action
With this new understanding, Sarah starts practicing mindfulness techniques when anger arises, asking herself questions like, "What am I really feeling right now?" and "What do I need from this situation?" She also journals about her feelings to explore them privately before bringing them up with Alex.
When she feels ready, Sarah opens a conversation with Alex about her needs and boundaries, explaining how his actions sometimes trigger feelings of insecurity for her. Alex listens and reassures her, helping them build a stronger, more understanding connection.
By using the emotional wheel, Sarah identifies and explores the deeper emotions behind her anger. This awareness helps her respond to challenges in her relationship with Alex in a more thoughtful and constructive way, creating opportunities for better communication and emotional intimacy.
Understanding Emotions with the Iceberg Analogy: Use the attached worksheet to draw your own iceberg here
Building on the Emotional Wheel with the Iceberg Model
Once you've identified your emotions with the emotional wheel, the Iceberg Model helps you dig deeper into what’s beneath the surface. It’s based on the idea that your visible emotions (like anger, frustration, or sadness) are only the “tip of the iceberg.” Beneath the surface lie deeper thoughts, beliefs, memories, and unmet needs that influence how you feel and react.
Here’s how to use the Iceberg Model:
Write down the primary emotion you identified with the emotional wheel. For example, Sarah recognised her primary emotion was anger when Alex canceled plans last minute.
Begin to explore what’s driving this emotion. Use these questions to help you uncover the layers beneath:
For Sarah, she realises her anger stems from a belief like, “If Alex really cared about me, he’d prioritise our plans.” This belief is tied to her fear of being undervalued, a feeling she’s experienced in past relationships.
Ask yourself: “What do I need right now that I’m not getting?” This helps you understand the root cause of your emotions. Sarah realises her unmet need is security in her relationship and reassurance that she matters to Alex.
Look for patterns in how you react. Is this a recurring situation? Does it connect to earlier experiences in your life? Sarah recognises that her strong reactions often happen in relationships when she feels unsure of her partner’s commitment.
Once you’ve uncovered what’s beneath the surface, think about how you can meet your needs or shift unhelpful beliefs.
The Iceberg Model complements the emotional wheel by helping you uncover the deeper reasons behind your emotions. It encourages self-awareness and helps you respond to challenges with more clarity, compassion, and constructive action, whether you're addressing your own needs or communicating with others.
Understanding Emotions with the Iceberg Analogy: Use the attached worksheet to draw your own iceberg here
Imagine emotions as an iceberg. Just like an iceberg, only a small part is visible above the water, while the majority remains hidden beneath. Similarly, what we consciously feel and express is just the tip of the emotional iceberg. Much more lies beneath the surface, waiting to be explored.
Step 1: Discovering Hidden Emotions
Recognize Layers: Consider that beneath the surface of what we express openly, there are deeper layers of emotions. Some feelings might be easy to spot, while others may be hidden or suppressed. Take a moment to think about emotions you might not often acknowledge.
Step 2: Reflecting on Hidden Feelings
Digging Deeper: Reflect on how these hidden emotions affect you. Are there specific situations or triggers that bring them out? How do they influence your actions and relationships? By understanding these hidden emotions, you gain insight into yourself and your behaviors.
Step 3: Bringing Hidden Emotions to Light
Shining a Light: Just as sunlight reveals the hidden parts of an iceberg, acknowledging and accepting your hidden emotions can lead to personal growth. Embrace vulnerability as you explore these deeper layers, knowing that understanding all parts of yourself is crucial for emotional well-being.
Step 4: Integration and Action
Incorporate Awareness: Now that you've explored your emotional iceberg, it's time to use this knowledge in your daily life. Practice mindfulness, communicate openly with yourself and others, and be kind to yourself as you navigate your emotions.
Thank You for Exploring: We hope this exploration of the iceberg analogy has helped you understand the complexity of emotions. Remember, emotional awareness is a journey, and each step toward understanding yourself brings you closer to living a more fulfilling life.
Mood Tracking: A Guide for Clients
Mood tracking can be a powerful technique for clients who are having difficulty identifying the source of negative emotions. Patterns in moods might be difficult to detect during the hurry of day-to-day life, but they jump out from a completed mood chart.
Example Entries:
By tracking your mood and daily activities, you gain valuable insights into your emotional patterns and triggers. This information can empower you to make positive changes in your life and better manage difficult emotions. Remember to be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way. Your therapist is here to support you on your journey towards emotional well-being.
Activity: Daily Mind Dump for Emotional Awareness
For the next two weeks, commit to doing a daily mind dump either in the morning or evening. This simple exercise will help you declutter your mind, gain clarity on your thoughts and feelings, and understand what triggers you in different situations.
Why It Helps:
By regularly taking the time to empty your mind onto paper, you can identify patterns and triggers that may be causing you stress or discomfort. This increased awareness allows you to address these triggers more effectively and develop healthier coping mechanisms.
How to Do It:
By making daily mind dumps a part of your routine for the next two weeks, you'll gain valuable insights into your triggers and emotional responses. This increased awareness will empower you to navigate challenging situations with greater resilience and self-understanding.